How we grant

Granting strategy

The wishes of William Buckland, as expressed in his Will, underpin our strategy as we continue to adapt or evolve our funding practices, thinking and approach.

The Foundation targets its funding across four areas:

  • Strengthening resilience in agricultural communities,
  • Improving educational outcomes for disadvantaged children,
  • Supporting disadvantaged Victorians into appropriate employment and safe and secure housing,
  • Improving health outcomes for young people, particularly in rural and regional communities.

We work to deepen our understanding, engage with our grantees and collaborate with other philanthropic funders to overcome the causes of social and economic disadvantage. We continue to focus our grant making on innovative solutions to complex problems and to amplify the reach of these projects where appropriate.

Our support is balanced between meeting the immediate and basic needs of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in the community, and more transformative long-term investments ranging from one to ten years in length.